Welcome to my world of writing. Go with me where many of you have gone before.



Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rejections...Bring 'Em On!!!!!

I thought that the best way to get a story out there for the world to see, published, of course, was to send out as many copies as I could. So, I busied myself sending hard copies and emails to anyone and everyone I could think of or find addresses for.....it paid off!  I am getting rejections!  They DO know who I am...one day they will be sorry when I have the best seller and they have passed it up.  Until then, I will keep those rejection letters stacked up until I want new wallpaper and then..voila...there it will be in a stack instead of a roll.

Now, this doesn't discourage me, no siree.  I will keep on sending those stories out until I run out of time..I probably have a good 20 more years.  Then, I will stipulate in my will who is to send them on after I no longer can.  Those publishers will definitely know MY name by the time I am finished.

Now that I have made that decision I can move on to bigger and better things.  More stories.  Do you know that they are all around us and we pass them by.  I do volunteer work once a week and there are so many stories there that I have not written down.  Why???  Just because I didn't think to do it before I forgot all about it.  I am turning over a new leaf...I am following my own example. I wrote a story, which WAS accepted for publication, about holding your head high and always carrying a pencil.  I think that is good advice for all writers-to-be.  How can you write if you don't experience?  How can you experience if you don't go places?  How can you go places WITHOUT something to write with????? 

Starting tomorrow I will always have a pencil and paper with me and if you're not careful I may be writing a story about you.  Until then I pray that our Lord will keep you all under His loving care.

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