Welcome to my world of writing. Go with me where many of you have gone before.



Saturday, October 9, 2010

More Writers; New Friends

Have you ever stopped to think about how we writers can't wait to meet other people who think like we do??  I'm classifying myself in with the best when I say "we" but as the writer of this blog it is my priviledge to do so.  However, I should clarify that statement saying that I am not yet a publisher of BOOKS.  The more I hear about fellow writers and book signings the more excited I get and I haven't seen the first draft yet. 
I have been blessed further today by making the acquaintance of more writers and finding out that they, also, have anxieties.  Why am I so insecure, I ask myself?   It is because I think everything someone else writes is wonderful and can't imagine that I, too, will one day have my own book signing.

The Saturday work is finished...the lawn is mowed; the bushes cut; the cake baked...this is MY time and how I choose to spend it is not unusual for me.  I sit at the computer and the thoughts run through my head faster than I can put them down on paper.  But, they will still be running on Monday and I will return to my blog.

Right now I am missing my children and grandchildren and think it is time to put some of those words in a letter.  Some of the pictures on my blog bring back so many memories of visits with them in Switzerland.  What a wonderful country and if I could choose a place to write a story it might just be sitting along the edge of Lake Geneva surrounded by the smell of roses and cooled by the spray of the jet d'eau blowing in the wind.  Sometimes there is a boat that sits in the water with wine aboard.  They send over a basket for your money and they return the basket with bottle and glasses.  Could it get any better?

Until Monday....God bless you all.

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