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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Coffee and critique with friends....

Tuesday is the day I look forward to all week.  There is a small group of us who love to write and read what others have written.  The best part is getting to read the next chapter in my friend's newest novel that has not yet been published.  The first novel this beautiful 84 year old gentle lady has written is Angel's Choice and I couldn't put it down. She just has a way with her characters that blows my mind.  Her developement of them begins with their birth and goes through all their accomplishments throughout their lives...however, this developement is just what she knows.  They are her friends as she writes and sometimes they dictate to her how the story develops.  I was taken back at the end of Angel's Choice but I won't let you know the outcome because you will need to read it for yourself.  But, she tells me that she didn't intend for the story to end that way...it was the character that decided it.  You can buy this book at Trafford.com or on Amazon, in case you want to read it. 

I have decided to begin my collection of the short stories I have written and maybe I will begin to think of putting them together in a book.  That decision doesn't have to be made today but it is a start.

I just returned from having morning coffee with a dear college friend who just returned from a trip to Maine.  Her description of the harbors there have left a hole in my heart for the ocean in Florida.  How I miss the smell of the ocean breeze and the salty taste in the air.  I miss the calming effect of the waves washing over my feet and the hot sun on my back.  For now I will just pull those memories out and treasure them for a short time before I have to put them back in the box and move on to things at hand.....my next story....

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