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Monday, October 4, 2010

Patience is a virtue for which I am praying constantly....

Just another Monday in the life of a writer-to-be!  Spent much too long on the Internet researching new avenues and lost my "writing" time.  Just a headful of thoughts too flighty to put down on paper for this day.  Have two manuscripts going out in the mail but this only helps prepare me for the rejections to come back to me in the same mail!

It has been drought time in Indiana...that sounds like a new story line....and my water bill soars as I try and keep what little grass I still have, alive.  Oh..how the weeds are loving this.  The green people (company which I will not mention by name) have promised faithfully to be here today to reseed. However, they disappoint me only once again...they forgot to leave tiny flags to protect the sprinkler system.  Why does that surprise me????  Now we will just have to reschedule and hope that it will be in time for some of the seeds to sprout.  Is this company run by somebody named "Murphy" and do they use his law???

Off to volunteer at the Pregnancy Care Center...what a wonderful agency they are and I so look forward to my day there.  So many babies having babies and so many tears to wipe away..some of joy and some of terror.  In the end there is a decision to make and I pray for our Lord to allow me some positive intervention at the right time.

The sun is out and the leaves are beginning to turn their glorious faces to the clouds, readying themselves for their trip south, to the ground.  How much more beauty would they hold if we had just had some of the water that is inundating the rest of the country.  Our tiny county is spared the floods and is drying up one blade at a time.

I am praising God for this sun and cool weather and know there has to be reason we are also spared the rain. 

Until tomorrow......who knows...a story line may appear at any time now.

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